"The pokemon" we are not strange, it is by nintendo in 1996 offering a Game Boy Game. Its unique style and lovely pictures for players like unceasingly, the series also released a cartoon, animation, movies and other products. Now let people around the world know, the person annoys degree as Mario series, the age of the fans from age 20 to 30 dollars. 1998 years of successful enter the American, and expand to all over the world. As the world famous cartoon image and Japan's national animation. Related products sales of billions of dollars more. The pokemon have independent into a company, as nintendo its subsidiary of.
 In 2011 to celebrate the the pokemon "15 years old birthday, the pokemon company will on December 4, BEAMS in shop selling PiKaQiu plush toys, set limit to 2000. And the pokemon center will also sell this product, set limit to 1000, every price 2980 yen (including taxes), like the players just don't miss it.

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