Anyone who plays "Call of Duty" online sees that you can something wrong while using online element of the overall game. While "Cod" is in many cases, the most effective in it's class in terms of online  shoot outs, there's still problems.

As with any online FPS game, be it "Halo", "Battlefield" or "Call of Duty", players start observing that certain issues can break the experience for the children. Stories of lag compensation (giving people with slow connections a 2 or three second start) are running throughout the internet about "Black Ops 2", the modern COD game, one example is.

That isn't the worst ofcomputer either, and you'd feel that too. There is also complaints about SMG's being too powerful, or perhaps the other weapons being underpowered, dependant upon who you focus on. David Vonderhaar, head of Treyarch and lead designer of "Black Ops 2" has claimed that you have no overpowered guns amongst gamers.

Given that "Call of Duty: Black Ops 2" may be call at the wild good enough, players is going to be getting their first update with the game, one that changes how a game is played anyway.   owners curently have this update, high are PS3 specific updates right here. Xbox owners should obtain the update over the weekend.

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